Music and the Pursuit of God

I have been thinking lately how much music influences my pursuit of God. For me personally, music is woven into the fabric of my very being. I began playing the piano when I was around 8 years old and was immersed in worship from the time I was introduced to church. (Which was very early, considering my grandfather was a pastor!)

Music has a way of moving you and influencing your life for the good or for the bad. I think we would all agree on how music could negatively influence your life, but let’s talk about how music can positively affect your life- specifically- your pursuit of God!

What I am sharing with you is what I have found that helps me. I do realize everyone is at a different place in their walk with God. Personally, I have found that my pursuit of God is most persistent when I do not listen to any other types of music other than Christian. Can I be honest with you? Even when I have the Christian radio station playing all the time, I have still longed for more.  There is definitely a time for upbeat music that will get your fingers tapping on your steering wheel and singing to the top of your lungs along with Toby Mac! But there is a time in your day where you quiet your heart and allow God to whisper in your ears. 

So in my longing, I have found that songs full of worship to the Father (talking to Him and not just about Him) fill my heart the most. I put these songs on repeat and pull up the lyrics and allow them to soak down into my spirit. Most mornings, I wake up with a song already playing in my head and usually it is one that will speak to me so deeply for the day. 

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness” Maya Angelou

Worship music has become a refuge to me! I encourage you today to make worship music part of your daily pursuit of God. Maybe it is a song they are singing at your church. Maybe it is a song on your local Christian radio station, or maybe it is a new song that has never been written yet!

Here is an excerpt of the lyrics of a song that has drawn me to the Father’s heartbeat this past week.

I’m caught up in Your presence
I just want to sit here at Your feet
I’m caught up in this holy moment
I never want to leave
Oh, I’m not here for blessings
Jesus, You don’t owe me anything
More than anything that You can do
I just want You

Cody Carnes- Nothing Else

Feel free to comment below on what song is ministering to you this week. If you need some suggestions, send me a message! Let’s pursue Him together!

Chasing God
